To hear more about our school, Contact Mrs. Leah Rubin, Principal, at 518-495-0779 or
Click here to download the application form.

We Grow Gems!

Given space, crystals will develop into sparkling, magnificent shapes. With patience and compassion, Bnos Chaya provides a healthy environment for students to grow into precious gems! Located in Albany, NY, Bnos Chaya High School cultivates spirituality and friendship, instilling each student with a love of learning and an appreciation of her role as a Jewish woman.
Bnos Chaya is a quality Limudei Kodesh program with an Accredited NYS Regents General Studies program.
Tapping into each student's potential, Bnos Chaya inspires the student's formative years in a caring and nurturing environment from outstanding role models.
Our small class size allows individual attention, tailored learning, meaningful student involvement and appreciation of talents and interests.
Extra Curricular activities include: Art, Home Economics, Aerobics, Computers, Adirondack Hikes, Friendship Circle, Swimming etc...
Email: or contact Mrs. Leah Rubin at 518-495-0779 for more information.

Academic Excellence

Academic Excellence
Our dual-curriculum provides excellent Judaic and secular studies. Our Judaic program includes Chumash, Navi, Halacha, Jewish History, Yahadus, Chassidic philosophy and Hebrew language. Our Secular studies include Math, the Sciences, History and Language Arts as well as Economics, Computer Science, Art, Home Economics, and Physical Education.

Responsibility and Friendship
Bnos Chaya students feel a sense of mutual respect and responsibility in a spirit of camaraderie and sensitivity. Beyond the classroom and curriculum, our students participate in communal services, realizing their kinship with all Jews.

Unique Role as a Jewish Woman
Tapping into each student’s potential, Bnos Chaya offers an inspirational experience and environment in which a student’s formative years develop an integrated personality in a caring atmosphere from outstanding role models. Bnos Chaya High School cultivates spirituality and friendship, instilling in each student a love of learning and an appreciation of her role as a Jewish woman.

"Torah and Technology"
Our hi-tech computer program integrating studies and experiences with digital publishing (online, print) and production (presentations and video).

Bridging the Community
Our Bnos Chaya students participate in Shabbatons at area Chabad Houses and Shuls, assist at Holiday and special events, volunteer with the Friendship Circle, Smile on Seniors, Tzivos Hashem and Bat-Mitzvah Club. Our High School students make a meaningful difference in the community.

Individualized Attention
Our small class size allows for individual attention, tailored learning, meaningful student involvement and appreciation of talents and interests.

For more information, email

To download the application form, click here.